Febrero 2024

In the last two decades, there is an increasingly broad line of studies that warn about the emotional health of journalists and the challenges that it poses for communication professionals to be able to separate work issues from their personal lives.

Enero 2024

The current situation for journalism in Argentina represents a great challenge due to the continuous economic changes linked to inflation and labour precariousness. Faced with this, a phenomenon known as self-managed media has grown over the recent years, also connected to recovered media that promotes innovation, providing material for use in newsrooms to produce novel content and connect with audiences.
ENERO 2024
In this chapter, when we discuss remediation and make recommendations, it is in reference to the images shown to the public about the terrorist attacks (Barcelona and Cambrils, 2017). Those images lead to fear and insecurity and have a negative impact on those who did not directly witness the incident – Nacos refers to this as “mediatized terrorism.”
En 2022 la cifra de personas desapareci- das en México ascendió a 109 mil1, de las cuales, unas 14 mil corresponden al Estado de Baja California2. Frente a este escena- rio, la investigación periodística en torno a las desapariciones forzadas plantea va- rios desafíos, siendo uno de los principales el vínculo que se establece con las fuentes que, en la mayoría de los casos, suelen ser familiares y/o testigos.

Octubre 2023

Communication professionals are experiencing a growing level of exposure to traumatic events as a result of their involvement in the coverage of various tragedies, including accidents, climatic disasters, rights violations, and acts of terrorism. However, it is worth noting that journalism and communication university courses often lack comprehensive instruction on effectively managing emotional challenges, anxiety, trauma, self-care, and the prevention of vicarious trauma.
En los últimos meses la compleja situación económica, social y política que atraviesa España –tras el COVID-19 y el estallido de la guerra entre Rusia y Ucrania– ha sido acompañada por una profundización de las tensiones entre los diversos grupos políticos y colectivos sociales que, en ocasiones, se ha traducido en expresiones de odio. Un discurso de odio que encuentra su eco en el creciente racismo que se expande por Europa, en clara sintonía con los liderazgos de extrema derecha que gobiernan en la región. Frente a ello, en este capítulo se analiza el discurso de odio a partir de una canción pre- sentada durante un acto político de la extrema derecha española y examina sus alcances en relación a la memoria histórica.

Julio 2023

Este estudio se propone analizar el contenido de la campaña Te Estamos Buscando (2017) en la que participaron las familias víctimas de la desaparición forzada de bebés en España. Siguiendo una metodología cualitativa con el método de etnografía para la paz, el objetivo de esta investigación es indagar cómo percibe esta población las violencias del Estado, conocer cuáles son los conflictos a los que está expuesta y examinar si el contenido de TEB responde a forma parte de una construcción de cultura de paz.

Junio 2023

The notion that emotion and media require more studies is undisputed. Media today are emotion generators: the football World Cup in Qatar, COVID-19 and the pandemic management in the global arena, the war between Russia and Ukraine, the influx of refugees on the Mediterranean coasts that cause tension between the European Union countries, and the latest Climate Change Convention hosted in Egypt (COP27) may fill us with anxiety, fear, and even worries. In addition, the news produced and shared through social media also impacts society, giving rise to primary emotions that, on many occasions, result in a reaction of acceptance, rejection, or even commitment.

Junio 2023

This essay analyzes the relations of gender and culture portrayed in the media surrounding Argentine women's football. Through an ethnography of Argentine media, we explore the interactions between society and the cultural meaning of the Argentinean women's football team that, during the World Cup in France 2019, took different paths of action: first, their recognition of a patriarchal society; second, their coming together and promoting leadership; and third, their heroic actions promoting transformation.

Junio 2023

Este estudio se propone analizar el contenido de la campaña Te Estamos Buscando (2017)

Junio 2023

This essay analyzes the relations of gender and culture portrayed in the media surrounding Argentine women’s football.

Junio 2023

Conference: LASA 2023: América Latina y el Caribe: Pensar, Representar y Luchar por los DerechosAt: Vancouver, Canada
Palgrave Studies in Journalism and the Global South (PSJGS)
La situación actual del periodismo en Argentina, como en otros países, demuestra cómo un contexto político y económico inestable puede conducir a la vulneración de los derechos de los trabajadores. Sin embargo, existe un fenómeno que ha crecido en los últimos años llamado “medios recuperados”, también conocidos como “cooperativas de trabajadores”.

Junio 2022

Editorial publicado en el Journal Journal Insights into Language, Culture and Communication (ILCC) from the Academy Publishing Center (APC) & the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), Alexandria, Egypt.

Febrero 2023
World of Media Journal

This study analyzes the experiences of two media coops , Tiempo Argentino newspaper (Argentina) and La Diaria newspaper (Uruguay), with the aim of understanding media strategies to reduce the digital divide.

Octubre 2022

La mutación digital ha sido presentada en diversas disciplinas de las ciencias sociales y de la salud. En este estudio nos proponemos exponer un conjunto de publicaciones que hacen referencia a la mutación digital y avanzar sobre dicho concepto en el ámbito de la comunicación en entornos digitales. Revista Internacional de Humanidades

Octubre 2022
Congreso FECIES. XIX For Internacional sobre la Evaluación de la Calidad de la Investigación y la Educación Superior.

En un contexto cambiante, los profesionales de la comunicación se exponen cada vez más a eventos traumáticos a partir de la cobertura de tragedias (accidentes, desastres climáticos, vulneración de derechos, terrorismo).

Octubre 2022

Spain continues to be the second country in the world, after Cambodia with mass graves, about 400; it occupies the same position in relation to the high number of missing people, 114,226. This study highlights the challenges and the new procedures for the launching of a DHI app adapted to the needs of families victims of enforced disappearances. International journal for innovative research in multidisciplinary field

Septiembre 2022

As has been verified, those who spend more time playing video games are children and adolescents. The lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic increased the prolonged use of video games in this population. In this context it is possible to observe some risks of this use, one of them the symptoms of gaming disorder (GD). Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal

Marzo 2022

Throughout the dictatorship in Spain, many strategies were used to manipulate and silence mothers’ voices. During this period (1940-1975) and also in later times of democracy, a total of 300,000 babies were stolen (Anadir, 2011). Currently, family organizations are looking for their children, stolen between 1940 and 1999. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal

Febrero 2022
LASA Conference United States

In this descriptive study, fourteen curricula in Communication and Journalism in Latin American and Asian universities are analyzed, focusing on their approach to emotion. There is evidence to suggest that journalists themselves are highly aware of the emotional impact of their work on their audiences, and this is increasingly acknowledged by schol...
España es el segundo país del mundo en número de desaparecidos, con 114.226 hombres y mujeres aún en fosas comunes sin haber sido identificados y enterrados por sus familiares.

Enero 2021
Digital Services in Crisis, Disaster, and Emergency

Spain is the second country in the world in numbers of missing people, with 114,226 men and women still in mass graves without having been identified and buried by their relatives. Added to them are the families of stolen babies: 300,000 babies were stolen during and after Franco's dictatorship.

Agosto 2020

The basis for this paper is the recovered factories movement, which began in Argentina in 2001, and which has grown over the past decade to include media companies, transcending digital inequalities and turning them into opportunities for journalists and media outlets. Just like elsewhere, the situation for journalists in Argentina is precarious. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

Junio 2020

This paper bridges the concepts of digital literacy and digital inclusion, and introduces digital mutation following an examination of 20 families (older adults) from the Stolen Babies organization in Catalonia, looking for their stolen babies and advocating for social justice. Review of Journalism and Mass Communication

Mayo 2020
III Jornadas de Psicología Social 2014. "Propuestas actuales de la Psicología Social"Publisher: Eclecta

Este estudio exploratorio parte de la Psicología Social de la Comunicación para analizar las recientes teorías sobre el impacto de los mass media en el cerebro de las personas a través del consumo de noticias en diferentes formatos y pantallas.

Marzo 2020

Research into Stolen Babies in Spain has tended to study the cases through a legal/historical perspective. Given that the topic of Stolen Babies has only recently appeared in the media, there are no previous analyzes ofthe advocacy of Stolen Babies'motherson YouTube and in the media.

Marzo 2020

During the dictatorship in Spain, women's voices were manipulated and silenced using different strategies. Since the end of Franco's dictatorship (1940-1975), the theft of babies has not been recognized by democratic governments as a crime, even though 300,000 babies were stolen.

Febrero 2020

The cases of stolen babies in Spain began at the time of Francisco Franco's regime (1940-1975) but continued to occur until relatively recently.

Enero 2020

Abstract Research into Stolen Babies in Spain has tended to study the cases through a legal/historical perspective. Given that the topic of Stolen Babies has only recently appeared in the media, there are no previous analyzes ofthe advocacy of Stolen Babies’motherson YouTube and in the media.

Octubre 2019
Conference: Consuming Genders Symposium. Intersections in Identity and Consumption in the Global SouthAt: Johannesburg, South Africa.

This essay analyzes relations of gender and culture present in Argentinean women's football. This social and media analysis is based on media publications and relies on qualitative interviews, journalists' observations and archival documentation. Throughout history, the presence of women in sports has been limited and gendered.

Abril 2017
Thesis for: DoctoradoAdvisor: Alberto Rodríguez Blanco, PhD

El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la influencia de los medios de información en las acciones altruistas de los jóvenes que integran la audiencia y verificar si estamos frente a nuevos tipos de altruismos.

Enero 2017

Los bebés robados por el franquismo. Por Carolina Escudero. Hablar de memoria en España es investigar los miles de casos de niños robados al nacer entre 1940 y 1990, que dan cuenta no sólo de la violencia de Estado durante la dictadura sino que deja al descubierto los alcances de una compleja red de apropiadores.

Abril 2016

Conference: VI Encuentro de la Red Internacioanl de Periodistas con Visión de Género.At: Barcelona, Spain.

Enero 2011

In Argentina, government advertising in media has been increasing, and in some publications, represents 50 percent of their income. This official publicity advertising is used to benefit or punish the media according to its personal affinity with the government.

Julio 2010

A través de la selección de artículos de diarios y revistas, declaraciones radiales y televisivas, este capítulo intenta reflejar el seguimiento que realizan algunos medios de diferentes países (Argentina, Alemania, Brasil, Chile, Estados Unidos, Francia, Inglaterra y Paraguay) sobre las mujeres políticas.

Diciembre 2008

La presidencia en países como Alemania, Chile, India, Finlandia o Argentina demuestra que buena parte del poder político actual tiene cara y voz femeninas. Ahora bien, ¿asegura su presencia unas políticas comprometidas con la igualdad de oportunidades?

Enero 2007
Journal of Dispute and Resolution (pp.205-210)Publisher: Published by University of Missouri School of Law Scholarship Repository, 2007

Studies of conflict frames' customarily include neither mid- to long-term resolution nor the role of the media in that healing process. In theory, the formal reconciliation processes that have followed internal conflicts in many nations provide resolution and a pathway to long-term healing. 2 But do they?